Cole is still a grunt and point kind of kid. Oh, and his extensive (and mysteriously learned) use of the American Sign Language for "more." Likely, this involves going to the refrigerator and whining until we open the door so he can point to the gallon of milk. Or, alternately, the cabinet until we get the Fig Newtons down. It's annoying, but it's not. We've tried to teach him other signs. The doctor says it's nothing to worry about given his level of physical development...he runs, he throws, he can dribble a soccer ball, he can go down stairs. He makes his wishes plenty known and communicates just fine. It's just not talking. Until recently. He seems to have reached the point where he realizes he can get further in life by speaking. Sometimes full sentences. Randomly, he brought a book to me last week and started turning pages. "Circle." "Square." "Triangle." It makes me wonder what else he knows but isn't telling.
A view for the modern parent.