Today's coffee ain't estate-grown high end stuff. But it is teaching me that I generally enjoy coffees from Guatemala. I'm not saying those are the best, just my preference. Maybe something about the soil there? I'm currently in-between coffee sources...we'll get to more on that in a minute. But my current selection is just some very decent Rainforest Alliance Certified Guatemala El Paraiso from Caribou. I enjoyed their Columbia last week as well, but to me this has more flavor complexity. It's a light roast that has cranberry and almond as the taste notes. I'm also getting a slight sugary/caramel in the whole bean smell and the flavor is a delicate, sweet, smooth first impression with no bitterness in the finish. It doesn't quite stay as perky as a higher end coffee, but I'm fairly impressed given it's something you get down at the chain coffee shop. Back to my search. I've fallen out of love with my local source for roasted so I
A view for the modern parent.