The deal was that if Cole doesn't go to preschool this year, I have to make a real effort to socialize him. The initial idea being storytimes. But those have been a bust since all he wants to do is head to the library toy room, run around, and then throw a tantrum at the idea of being forced into a room for singing and books. So today I took a different tack. Let's try playgroup instead. I still had to lure him a bit. But this was a branch--not the main library--so it was a new-to-him tiny building to explore. Compared to our millions of dollars glass, sleek, modern structure with conveyor belt book return, this brick version was refreshingly old-fashioned. I got him to get in the elevator--an easy sell--but the meeting room where the playgroup meets was a different bar to clear. The promise of toys (mainly) and other kids was too much to not give in though. He immediately found the plastic balls, blocks, wooden whatevers, danced to the cd they put on, and overall enjoyed
A view for the modern parent.