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What I'm reading

I have 3 pretty amazing book recommendations home from the library right now. (Don't forget I only read non-fiction.)

The True German: The Diary of a World War II Military Judge by Werner Otto Muller-Hill. Introduction by Benjamin Carter Hett. Written between 1944-1945, this is a rare look inside Nazi Germany from a Hitler-hating German Wehrmacht judge who keeps a diary of his daily experiences.

Whip Smart: A Memoir by Melissa Febos. Warning--extreme sex and drugs here. But also intellectual, contemplative, emotionally mature, and thoughtful. Melissa is a financially struggling NYC student who takes a job working as a professional dominatrix, she spirals into heroin use, battles inner demons, and comes out with an MFA teaching writing workshops and being an author.

Cycling Science: How rider and machine work together by Max Glaskin. I fell in love with this book while browsing the bookstore at my old science museum and had to go to great lengths to borrow it via interlibrary loan. It's a graphics-heavy, glossy, coffee table type book full of hardcore nuts and bolts physics and biology. Everything from aerodynamics to frame shape, wheel angles, how blood doping works, muscle activation, metal stiffness, the physics of the chain. Sounds boring but it's actually laid out in brilliant simplicity. I always joke that if someone had taught me physics using a bicycle, I'd have gotten a much better grade.