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The Lent Project: Intro

The Lent Project is my attempt to give up something important in our modern world--social media--during a traditional period of fasting and devotion.

The number 40 is significant in the Christian Bible...Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc., and Lent is usually the period of preparation by the observant for Holy Week, Jesus beginning his public ministry, and eventually Easter. 

By not relying on Facebook and Twitter and keeping my daily thoughts to this blog, my hope is to not only be able to focus more of my attention on the things that matter most to me currently--my family, my triathlon training, etc.--but possibly ending up spending more time with my kids and more time in personal communication with those closest to me. 

How it works:
Each day, I'll post one link on my Facebook and Twitter feeds with the daily update to Newfangled Dad. Throughout the day, all of the links, thoughts, training updates, cute things my kids do, photos, and random stuff I find will go here. 

I won't be seeing the stuff you do. But that doesn't mean I don't want to hear about it! If you know me in real life, feel free to call, text, or e-mail. If you don't know me that well, leave a comment and I will reply when I get a chance. 

It's that simple. That's the idea. Though don't be surprised if it takes me awhile to get back to you...the whole point is to unplug for awhile and focus. 

Best of luck with your own devotions...don't be surprised if you see a few meditations and reflections pop up over the course of the next few weeks. 

Namaste. Shanti, peace, shalom to all of you!