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Swimming pool & parade

We're in the middle of our 3rd straight 100 degree day today. Yesterday was 103 while the hottest it has ever been in Chicago is 105. Yep, time to go replace our dying second air conditioner today!

By the end of the day on July 4, we'd resorted to filling a baby bathtub in the side yard with the hose and letting the kids climb in without even bothering with a swimsuit. Everybody was wet with sweat anyway.

Tuesday, I'd finally managed an epic trip to the pool--and by "epic" I mean both kids by myself. It took some juggling, but everybody had fun. No screaming or included. With Kelly taking the car to work, that meant about a 20 minute walk to the park where the pool is located. Plenty of snacks, and other than a sippy cup lost along the route somewhere, it was a good walk in both directions. We went to the pool via a less appealing route that happens to go by a favorite ice cream shop though...for future reference. The walk home was more shaded and in a quieter neighborhood away from the freeway.

I parked the stroller and got Leda in the carrier and both kids have taken to water quite nicely. Cole ended up spending a lot of time covered in sand from head to toe in that area which gave me time to feed his sister. When they'd had enough, it was the first time we've been that didn't end in tears, I think. After about an hour, the suggestion of milk was enough to get him in the stroller ready to go home.

We went to the parade on Wednesday morning and it was the hottest ever held here. Leda looked pretty unhappy but Cole was mesmerized. I think if we'd just followed the firetruck down the street he'd have been just as happy though. He was clapping at the music by the end.

It's off to the pool just Cole and me for an evening swim tonight. Then we're trying something different tomorrow with me in the water for swim lesson while Kelly watches Leda. I doubt it will impact his (lack of) enjoyment any. He loves the freedom to run around in the fountains...being held in the deeper water while we sing is just not his idea of a good time, perhaps.