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Testing, testing, swim, 2, 3...

What better way to finish off your last training run before your half marathon (complete with limping 3 miles of it due to a suddenly tight calf) than taking your toddler to the swimming pool for the first time this summer?

The soreness in my leg I'm chalking up to a combination of poor eating/hydration lately and overuse from stepping up my runs. Last week I did a 12 mile run much harder than usual and the week before was a rare track workout. Not my typical routine. Injury. That's the way with distance running. For race week, I've dedicated myself to proper hydration and nutrition as I taper off the miles and add carbs for Sunday.

The goal with taking Cole to the pool despite the temps only being in the mid 70's was to see how he reacted before I took Leda in a baby carrier. Trying to be prepared.

He was a funny little guy. Chattering teeth and lips turning blue from almost the minute we got there, but a smile on his face. It wasn't that cold if you were in the right spot...the water coming out of the sprayers was warmer and there were pockets of different temperatures depending where you stand. The breeze didn't help matters.

His first instinct was to head straight in. No hesitation, no fear, just walk right in up to your neck. The "deep" end (the pool is zero edge) for him is really anything over the 2 foot line and he loved me floating him around the middle. He hated the sides--back to the middle! I was surprised he wasn't drawn to the fountains of water coming up from the pool floor, but he did at least stop to investigate the colorful sprayers. It was only at the end that he found the jets. By that time, I had to be the adult and make him go home. Try explaining to a nearly-2 year old that you have a pool pass to come back anytime all summer.

Getting him to leave was less traumatic than leaving the playground. For the moment, at least. Kelly's theory is that he was too cold to truly care. She may be right. Though he did fight pretty hard to avoid the towel and go back in. He may need to be thrown in the stroller while I get our personal items picked up.

He also found the giant sand pit behind by the baby pool. Next time, my friend.

At least I now have an idea of how our visits will go. He wants to be out in the water and less sitting at the edge with the sprayers. It's more likely that we need to get him a float jacket and some pool toys to float on. He really loved the foam tubes the other kids had.

Now, if only it would warm up enough to go back.