Last night was just the absolute worst and not due to infant Leda even! You'd think it would be her bothering us and keeping us awake. Nope. Cole was not himself and didn't want to go to bed, woke up crying, wouldn't fall asleep in bed with us, didn't want to snuggle in the chair like usual, then finally drank a bottle and laid in his crib talking for hours. Plus, he'd been grumpy all afternoon.
I think the newfound language skills and development leap has made him a bit confused. Because he's not the same kid to me. Not in a bad way. He's just his own person more and more. And I think he's finding it more frustrating that he's this little squeaker in a grown-up world. The constant struggle to communicate, do what he wants, do things on his own, and make his (completely fair) wishes known. It's taking a toll.
There is a widening gap between his fits of tantrum-rage where it is crazy, illogical, immature...and the, frankly, cute little boy who is a bit tired of mom and dad setting the tone. I think the lack of outdoor play or other kids or new environments to discover is at work, too. Being stuck indoors in the winter sucks.
Plus, I'm finding I actually get a lot further with him by working with him rather than against him. It's becoming easier to go with his flow and define the boundaries rather than redirect him. He's less easily distracted and more stubborn in his old age!
I think the newfound language skills and development leap has made him a bit confused. Because he's not the same kid to me. Not in a bad way. He's just his own person more and more. And I think he's finding it more frustrating that he's this little squeaker in a grown-up world. The constant struggle to communicate, do what he wants, do things on his own, and make his (completely fair) wishes known. It's taking a toll.
There is a widening gap between his fits of tantrum-rage where it is crazy, illogical, immature...and the, frankly, cute little boy who is a bit tired of mom and dad setting the tone. I think the lack of outdoor play or other kids or new environments to discover is at work, too. Being stuck indoors in the winter sucks.
Plus, I'm finding I actually get a lot further with him by working with him rather than against him. It's becoming easier to go with his flow and define the boundaries rather than redirect him. He's less easily distracted and more stubborn in his old age!