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Happy Newfangled Year!

It's been a busy week since my last post. 

The kids have been sick this entire time. We've had visitors and made visits and one of them had to go get a chest x-ray (negative) and a flu swab (also negative). To say nothing of Christmas and the madness that comes with it. 

And there has been snot. So. Much. Mucous. 

I don't normally do resolutions. But this year, I find myself tempted to make a few (growing out my beard until Kelly's birthday a la Whisker Wars or giving up Facebook for awhile--mainly to prove Kelly wrong that it is possible--top the list). And we'll be starting at a new gym at the same time as all the "I'm going to lose weight" folks who will be gone by Valentine's Day. In 2013 I already have signed up to do something that scares me--first triathlon. And I'm trying to be more patient with the kids. I'm hoping to volunteer some. 

I'm not really one to evaluate the year that has been either. But, lately, it feels like each year is harder to top than the oldest turned 2. My youngest turned one the same week that I ran my fastest marathon ever. We did get dragged to a wool festival by Kelly, but will be willingly dragged back this Mother's Day because the only thing Cole loves more than a barn full of sheep is a barn full of trains. Speaking of, Cole got to ride on Thomas for his birthday. We re-elected the President. I got a new bike that has made me fall in love with a 7 mile patch of trail-through-the-woods where I go at 6am on muggy summer mornings to see so many deer and great blue herons that I lose count. 

It was a good year. Other than this minor week of coughing and whining, my household has had our health, a roof over our heads, and Kelly was even granted her longstanding wish for a commute on the train rather than in the car. 

I hope you can count the same number of blessings. I know not all of you can, dear readers. But may 2013 bring all of you something better. 

Happy New Year! Stay safe.