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Take a look, it's in a book...

The child development update that comes to my e-mail inbox a couple times a month is eerily accurate lately. Yesterday, it was "your 2 year old will want to read the same book over and over." Yep. Pretty much.

When Cole was very little I used to keep a running tally of the books from the library that he enjoyed. I may try to get back to that now that books have moved from the category of Things to Chew and Rip to their proper use. (For Cole. Leda is still on the book eating phase though ripping seems to happen a little less lately. She actually does a better job of sitting still for a story than he ever has until now.)

With the arrival of his new bed, it's become a go-to location for reading. He pats the mattress asking you to sit down and then collects a pile of books for you to read to him. Some are favorites. Some he forgets that he doesn't like them so that you get 3 pages in and he shuts it to go get another. The ones Kelly and I love are the ones where he waits through 75% of the book just for his favorite part. The one illustration. The one plot point. The one character he opens the book for. Then, once he's seen it, there is no need to finish. In one it's a bicycle and car in a garage. In Curious George he lives for the monkey on the telephone wires inside the back cover.

Some he asks for by name...impressive for a kid who still uses words sparingly. (Though last night when I came home with a bag of Chipotle he raised his arms above his head in triumph and said, "daddy came back!") Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See is requested by title. Bear At Home, curiously, is apparently a book about a door to him. His favorite part is a scarf draped over one of the doors in the home...after he has seen it, the rest of the book is irrelevant.

So we may try getting library books again. We'd stopped checking things out for awhile and our home collection is fairly significant but not endless. Something tells me we'll still be searching for the fireplace in Goodnight Moon anyway.