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A more stay-at-home Stay-At-Home-Dad

Last night, we had a dinner for the leadership team of my department at work. A couple of my coworkers mocked me for checking my work e-mail from home. Well, yes, I am that geeky. And it's also one of the only ways I have to stay connected to the office the rest of the week. By the time I go into work on Friday, I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do considering part of my duties is keeping others in the know about a huge organization.

Right now, I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Kelly both works from home and watches Cole on Fridays then the rest of the weekend she's with him for her off days and my workdays. It basically leads to one of us handing our son off to the other and no time together as a family other than evenings. (Though it has brought a nice rotation of turns waking up in the middle of the night or being the one to take the dog for her morning/bedtime walks.)

With the new baby on the way and my temporary supervisor position about to be over on Labor Day, a plethora of options. Do I quit work? Do I cut back to 2 days at work? Do I keep working and take some FMLA once she arrives? Do I keep working until Kelly's maternity leave is over during the New Year? Do I try to keep my employee health insurance or do we take steps to get my on Kelly's?

No matter how you slice it, I'm probably going to end up with more "at-home" in the SAHD equation. We'd love to have weekends together as a family. Get a zoo membership. Farmers Market Saturdays. Storytimes together.

Not to mention that Kelly will need some time to recover and either one of us jumping right into a toddler and newborn will be a challenge. Maybe some time to get into a new routine?