I didn't say much before the holiday because my first real weaving project was a gift for my mother, but I've been using the last few weeks to learn more about my new hobbies. On the weaving side of things, I'm officially on Ravelry now. Which has made The Mama insanely happy. She's been teaching me the proper way to data-enter yarns, which photo goes on a project front page, and how to find various craft groups. I'm "WarpedShepherd" if anybody is interested. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, Ravelry is the world's largest online fiber community with something like 2 million people. Lots of knitters and spinners and crochet types from around the globe. It's social media that allows you to keep a record of your projects, yarn stash, connect with others. My first attempt was a table runner in blue and white cotton as a Christmas present. It was fun in that I got to see it from start to finish--tying the fringe, soaking,
A view for the modern parent.