Trick or Treat, at least in theory, has gone over very well in our household. The idea of dressing up, knocking on doors, and getting candy has become very appealing...which isn't a given with young kids. Now, whether or not the idea works in practice remains to be seen. My kids wouldn't be the first or last to have a freakout at the door of a stranger. In fact, it was sort of a preview of things to come that Cole has never wanted to pleasantly sit on Santa's lap the last couple years. Leda is a people person and she may be a different story requiring a special trip when she's old enough to request it. Cole, under current conditions, I just can't see ever wanting to head downtown to stand in line to sit on a strange old man's lap to ask for toys. And we're just not the kind of parents to force it. If it's not a happy experience, why push it? It's certainly not a requirement of childhood. We would like to get him comfortable with the train again to
A view for the modern parent.